Need a quote? Answer these top 5 questions first!

Sage Journal • April 10, 2019

At Able Sage we strive to be the most effective we can be – in our customer service, in our communication, in production, and installations or delivery. One way we can work with our customers to ensure we are starting off a project with everyone on the same page is by tackling these top 5 must-answer questions right from the get go.
- What is your budget? Yes! We said that B word! We need to know how much you’ve allocated to spend so we can effectively guide you in a direction that will suit both your needs and the numbers.
- What is the delivery date? Sometimes a quick turn around is possible; other times it isn’t (it really just depends on the individual project). We want to work with your timeline in mind so we can deliver on time!
- What’s the goal of the project? Is it to increase awareness of an event so you have more participants or donors? Is it to repurpose an existing sign, but transform the look? Whatever the objective, we need to get that on the table now so we can always have the end goal in mind as we work together.
- How many and in what sizes and colors? If you need multiples of any item and perhaps you have a few versions as well, we need to map out all the quantities, sizes, and colors so we can get you the best price possible! Speaking of colors…. don’t forget that we’ll need the PMS colors for your project (so we can help you stay on brand).
- What file format do you have? Are we working from old Corel Draw files, InDesign or Illustrator files, or perhaps something else? Let us know what you have and we’ll hash out how we should best navigate next steps.
Really, this whole process is about communication – extracting key information from you so we can best serve your needs. It’s a “help me, help you” Jerry Maguire situation, “You know?”
Ready to get started? You can answer these top 5 questions here and we’ll be in touch!